People often ask what the benefits are to completing ADHD testing to see if an ADHD diagnosis is warranted. Some people are afraid that if they get an ADHD diagnosis it will have a negative impact on their life. At MVP, we complete ADHD testing and we also do ADHD counseling and ADHD neurofeedback. I have listed below some of the benefits of obtaining an ADHD diagnosis, if you have ADHD:
Obtaining an ADHD testing facilitates understanding.
Often times people who have ADHD are misunderstood. Others in their life feel as though they are lazy or choosing to live in disorganized chaos. Through ADHD testing we are not only able to get an understanding of ADHD diagnosis, but of individual strengths and areas of needed support. After all, not all people with ADHD are exactly the same. Some people need support with working memory, others take longer to process information, struggle with impulsivity, or need help with organizational skills.
Obtaining an ADHD diagnosis can help you access support.
If the person getting an ADHD diagnosis is still in school, obtaining an ADHD diagnosis can assist with accessing support. Those with an ADHD diagnosis can often qualify for a 504 or special education services. A 504 plan on IEP are formalized plans designed to assist the person with ADHD in school so they can be successful.
Obtaining an ADHD diagnosis can help guide intervention.
There are decades of research about what is most helpful for those who have ADHD. Once ADHD testing is completed and a diagnosis is made you can follow what research says works.
What are the negative effects of completing ADHD testing or getting an ADHD diagnosis?
There are two main concerns I hear voiced by people who are considering completing ADHD testing. First, some people are concerned getting an ADHD diagnosis will be an excuse for behavioral choices. Second, some people are afraid the label will follow them and impede them in their lives in the future.
Concern about an ADHD diagnosis being an excuse
I support the idea that having an ADHD diagnosis creates understanding and not an excuse. In fact, those who have ADHD often have to work harder than those that do not. The idea is to get a good understanding of what is going on so that supports can be put in place to create success.
Concern about the impact that the label will follow them
This is a difficult one. So, if you go through insurance, you no longer have total control of who has access to knowing about your diagnosis. If you choose to privately pay for your ADHD testing, the only people who will know about it are the ones you tell. If the school knows about an ADHD diagnosis it will stay in the child’s school file. The school does not share the diagnosis with anyone else unless they have parental consent. Therefore, depending on how you go about getting diagnosed and treated you can have more or less control over who knows about the diagnosis. At MVP, most people pay privately and choose not to bill insurance; however, there are also many people who submit a superbill to their insurance company for reimbursement. There are also many people who use their Health Spending Accounts to pay for ADHD testing.
If you have questions about ADHD testing or ADHD diagnosis, let us know. We are happy to help! You can all 720-583-9332.
Written by Dr. Steffanie Stecker
Dr. Steffanie Stecker a licensed psychologist and the owner and clinical director of Mountain Vista Psychology, PLLC.
In addition, she is a board certified neurotherapist (BCN E5669) and board certified in QEEG (QEEG-D). Less than 100 people world wide are board certified in QEEG, which indicates competency in reading QEEGs and choosing neurofeedback protocols. Dr. Stecker is passionate about brain based effective therapy and creating a safe relationship for her clients to create change. She loves what she gets to do each day!
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